Our durable MillWright lighting fixture is designed to withstand tough industrial environments — and can even operate in temperatures up to 158°F! Learn more about why it’s the perfect fit for all of your industrial lighting needs.
Our durable MillWright lighting fixture is designed to withstand tough industrial environments — and can even operate in temperatures up to 158°F! Learn more about why it’s the perfect fit for all of your industrial lighting needs.
Frank has over 30 years of product management and marketing experience with lighting manufacturers including decades in general lighting and specialty lighting with traditional and LED sources. He currently serves as on the Fanlight / NaturaLED® marketing management team and resides in the Chicago area.
Over the decades, California has been a pioneer in adopting policies and regulations to protect the environment. Currently, there are two state regulations that cover energy efficiency. -Title 20, also known as the Appliance Efficiency Program, and-Title 24, California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards. What is CA Title 20? Title 20 is a set of energy […]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the world, and more specifically our lighting industry, have been transformed by technology over the past two decades. These changes have created some confusion among consumers, even early adopters. One area that we get a lot of questions about is lamp and fixture disposal. Lamp […]