Over the decades, California has been a pioneer in adopting policies and regulations to protect the environment. Currently, there are two state regulations that cover energy efficiency. -Title 20, also known as the Appliance Efficiency Program, and-Title 24, California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards. What is CA Title 20? Title 20 is a set of energy […]
Daylighting Control and the Energy Code
California and many other states are adopting increasingly stricter daylight related requirements as part of their building energy efficiency standards. These new requirements are intended to reduce electricity usage with energy efficiency. California has an ambitious goal of decarbonizing buildings and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below the 1990 levels by 2030. […]
Shunted vs non-Shunted sockets – The Difference
When it comes to replacing LED linear tubes, it is very important to know the type of socket or “tombstone” connection your existing lights have. Currently, there are two major sockets that are available for linear tube lights: shunted and non-shunted. Understanding the difference between these two types of socket/tombstones is not difficult but it […]
Turtle Safe LED Lights
LED lighting has evolved from strictly saving energy to prevention of light pollution and environment conservation such as protecting coastal habitats like sea turtles and wildlife. Thousands of sea turtles are affected every year because of the electric lighting along beachfront properties around the country. It is our responsibility to minimize one of the major […]
LED Light Beam Types Explained
LEDs have been widely used as the main light source for LED lighting lamps & fixtures. These LEDs have a much smaller footprint and are directional light rays compared to other light sources such as incandescent lamps. They usually comes with primary optics attached but the light distribution pattern is wider than most applications. Since […]
Isolated & Non-Isolated LED Driver Explained
LED drivers are an important part of industrial lighting fixtures, which greatly affects the lifespan and quality of the fixtures. In the field of LED commercial and industrial lighting, there are mainly two forms of drivers that are commonly used: isolated drivers and non-isolated drivers. Before we dive into details, let us first understand the concept […]
UL vs ETL listed, what is the difference?
Many of us are wondering about the differences between UL vs ETL labels. These labels are everywhere in the marketplace and are seen on various pieces of technology. But what do these safety labels mean? What are the differences between these different safety certifications? Before we get into details, let us explore why do we […]
Understanding LED Life Expectancy
In the era of LED lighting, less energy and a long lifespan have been billed as key advantages of LEDs. Understanding and communicating how these products fail and how long they last can be challenging. Most LED lighting products hold the potential to achieve a long lifespan that can meet or exceed traditional lighting. Manufacturer […]
DLC LUNA v1 & SSL v5.1
The Design Lights Consortium (DLC) introduced its LUNA v1 in 2021 to address the sky glow & light trespass and to mitigate light pollution issue. DLC LUNA v1 was designed to minimize light pollution while providing energy savings of outdoor solid-state lighting. It was released after more than a year of research & development. LUNA […]
The Difference Between CRI vs CCT
When it comes to selecting high-quality lighting, we hear a lot about CRI and CCT. What are these and what is the difference between these two?CRI stands for Color Rendering Index, on the other hand, CCT stands for Correlated Color Temperature (known simply as color temperature for many lights). Let’s talk about these two measures […]