Case Details
Ultimately naturaLED managed to deliver Ballast Point the perfect fixture to match their needs.
Project Summery
As one of the largest breweries’s in Southern California, Ballast Point in San Diego California was constantly creating and working around the clock to deliver and distribute their various beers. In order to reduce costs and provide employees with adequate lighting, they needed Ballast point to understand the need for better-performing lighting. Used to, 200 HID fixtures as their main source of lighting throughout, the inefficiency of HIDs had become apparent. With monthly maintenance costs and energy inefficiency, Ballast Point understood they had to upgrade their lighting fixtures to decrease their unnecessary monthly spending. Ballast Point was on the market for low maintenance and energy-efficient LED lighting that could cut costs and without deterring performance.
Powerful Strategy
Satisfaction Planning

Overview & Challenge
As constant maintenance costs such as ballast and bulb replacements became an issue, energy efficiency declined and expenses increased. Operating a large brewery that constantly works around the clock to distribute and brew their beers, Ballast Point wanted to upgrade their fixtures for more efficient replacements. Performance was also key for them given the large-scale warehouse and distribution center located within their facility. With 25% of their lights located within their bottling area, they knew adequate lighting was integral for their workers’ safety while operating the conveyor belt and working the bottling station. With the unnecessary spending becoming a monthly burden, Ballast Point partnered with our sales representative and their contractor to find a solution for their overspending.

Solution & Results
Understanding the key issues of energy efficiency and performance required by ballast point and with a large brewery and distribution center, Ballast Point opted to install the Linear Highbay. With the Linear Highbays’ lower wattage intake and 5-year warranty, both issues of efficiency and maintenance costs would be reduced. Given the brewery’s industrialized look the Linear Highbay also added to their aesthetic appeal while delivering in performance and distribution.